Karen armed groups unite under one flag

Karen armed groups have agreed in principal to unite under the same flag to try to resolve all conflicts between them through peaceful dialogue. The armed groups say they will officially recognize the blue, white and red flag that is currently regarded by all Karen as their national flag
Representatives of the five groups met on May 28 in Pa-an District to discuss how they could work peacefully together. Karen religious leaders organized the meeting. Attending the meeting were representatives from the Karen National Union (KNU), Karen Peace Force (KPF), KNLA/KNU Peace Council, the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army’s Klo Htoo Baw and the Karen Border Guard Force.
Reverend Robert Htwe, one of the meetings organizers, told Karen News.
“The five representatives from the five Karen armed groups agreed they will all unite under the same flag of the Karen people, will avoid armed conflict and if conflict does occur seek a peaceful solution.”
Reverend Robert Htwe said if the armed groups see a positive result from working together, the future for all Karen would be better.
Four of the five, armed Karen groups have each reached individual ceasefire agreements with the Burma government – the Border Guard Force group is under the direct control of the Burma Army.