Myanmar’s military leaders used its armed forces to launch its coup and take control of the country from its elected government on February 1, 2021. In protest, millions of people took to the streets. The military responded to these protests by sending armed soldiers and police into residential areas to arrest defiant civilians, workers, students, doctors and nurses. In March,…
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Karen villagers from Nyaung Chaung claim the justice system has let down five men from the village sentenced to death and one to a life sentence by the Thaton Disctrict Court in Mon State on 16 January 2015. More than 30 villagers including the victim families and village leaders gathered to discuss the case – villagers are angry. Villagers alleged…
Read More »Despite a ceasefire agreement between Burma’s military backed government and the Karen National Union (KNU) in January of this year, community based human rights organisation, Karen Human Rights Group continues to document attacks on civilians. On June 25th, two men from Pa’an Township were accosted and then tortured by members of the Burma Army’s Border Guard Battalion #1014. The interrogation…
Read More »The Burma government has worked hard in recent months to present a good image to the international community. They are seen engaging with opposition groups, offering peace talks to ethnic armed organisations and releasing a few political prisoners in an effort to convince the international community that they are prepared to embrace democratic change. The only blemish on the government’s…
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