Karen Groups Deliver Aids to Displaced Civilians in Kawkareik Township

Karen community-based-organizations have come to the aid of civilians displaced by fighting between government troops and the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) in Kawkareik Township.
The Karen CBO’s have set up a committee to coordinate the assistance for the displaced people.
The committee composed of nine members which includes Saw Lay Kway Doo, as negotiation official, Ko Aung San Oo as transportation and communication official, Mann Thein Zaw from Thwee Community Group and Saw Kyaw Zor from the Karen Affairs Committee.
A committee member, Saw Sein Tway, said, “We want to provide them [the displaced people] with some sort of physical aid. Right now, we won’t be able to provide psychological help. The people are worrying and suffering daily for their security.”
The CBO committee will work together with government groups, the Border Guard Force (BGF) militia, religious leaders and community leaders.
The BGF’s Major Naing Maung Zaw, said they welcome youths from the local social organizations helping displaced civilians and they will provide the support for those organizations.
Major Naing Maung Zaw said, “A few days ago Colonel Saw Chit Thu donated two millions kyat to a local group in Myawaddy for the displaced civilians. When the youth come to give aid, we will try to help.”
The Karen Women Empowerment Group (KWEG) visited places where the displaced Kaung Mu villagers are taking refuge to establish what they needed.
Naw Susana Hla Hla Soe, director of KWEG, told Karen News that, “the Kaung Mu villagers, said they wanted to return to their village and plant their paddy [rice]. Right now they are sheltering at other people houses. Rice is being kept in the monastery. There were some book donations for the children’s education, but people need umbrellas, shoes and clothing.”
Committee to deliver aids for the displaced was found during a peace summit of civil society organization held at Yangon on July 15 which attended by local organizations around the country. It is understood that the committee has already received 6 millions kyats, donated from local organizations from Burma.