

Karen State: 2,190 Burma Army Soldiers Killed – KNU Claims Junta Now Resorting to Airstrikes as its Ground Troops Reluctant to Fight

Colonel Saw Htoo K’Shaw, Tactical Commander of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Brigade 5 said the Burma Army had suffered heavy casualties in its clashes with Karen troops and this had caused its rank and file soldiers to withdraw from battle. Colonel Saw Htoo K’Shaw told Karen News; “The casualties [Burma Army] on the front lines are high. Because…

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Bomb Found Near Thai-Burma Friendship Bridge In Myawaddy

A bomb allegedly set to explode at 10:55am was found next to the Thai-Burma friendship bridge in Myawaddy town early Monday morning, 15 September 2014. The bomb lying beside the side-walk in front of AH Car Parts Store adjacent to the foot of the bridge in section 1 of Myawaddy. Witnesses said that Daw Aye Myint, a municipality garbage worker…

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KNU Investigates Burma Bomb Blasts

A series of bomb blasts in Burma in late October has raised concerns over the fragile security situation in Burma. The government alleged that individuals with links to the Karen National Union were responsible for the bomb attacks. On October 25, the KNU called an emergency meeting of its executive members that resulted in a seven-member investigation team set up…

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KNU Condemns Burma Bombers – Reaffirms Its Commitment to Peace

A Karen National Union District Office in a statement received by Karen News has lashed out at the perpetrators of the recent series of bomb blasts in Burma that have injured innocent civilians. The KNU Muthraw District underlined in its statement called the bomb blasts ‘disturbing’ and criticized the Burma’s government for suggesting that those responsible for the explosions had…

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Burmese monk injured in Indian bombing

On Sunday morning nine explosions ripped through the Bodh Gaya Buddhist temple in India where Gautama Buddha is said to have obtained enlightenment. In a recent development, Indian security forces today took four people into custody suspected of being involved in the explosions. The bombs exploded in a thirty minute period, starting at 5.30 am as pilgrims made their way…

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Military’s bombing practice terrifies villagers

The Burma military conducting jet fighter bombing practice in Htan Tabin Township, Taungoo District have not informed villagers so that they can take safety precautions. Villagers going to work on their farms have been terrified as jets drop their deadly loads. Padoh Saw Eh Wah, chairperson of the KNU Taungoo District confirmed the villagers fears to Karen News. “During the…

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Despite peace talks government accuses KNU of bomb attack

A Burma government controlled newspaper, Kyaymon on the same day as peace talks with the Karen National Union accused them of a bomb explosion that killed civilians at a festival held in Anan Kwin village, Karen State. The newspaper reported that a man alleged, to be a KNU member, while taking money from his bag at the festival dropped a…

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Rangoon bomb kills one and wounds one

A bomb exploded near the busy Hle Dan junction in Rangoon at 11am this morning killing one and wounding pedestrians. An eyewitness spoke to Karen News (under the condition of anonymity) said the bomb exploded at a public toilet close to Hle Dan junction. “The bomb explosion killed one woman and an injured man was taken to Yangon Hospital. The…

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Burma Army ignores Thein Sein’s no fight order

Despite President Thein Sein’s public declared order for the Burma Army to stop fighting the Kachin Army, reinforcements were sent to the battle zones by military helicopters and the offensive continues. Lan Nan, a senior spokesperson for the KIA said. “Fighting continues in our Brigade 3 area of Momauk. They [Burma Army] sent three loads of soldiers by helicopter from…

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Government reforms fail to stop Burma’s military attacking civilians

A report from the Karen Human Rights Group accuses the Burma Army of attacks and threats of violence against civilians in eastern Burma. The KHRG report indicates that Burma’s civilian administration has done nothing to protect innocent people in Eastern Burma. The report also says that conflict has intensified in Karen State as the Tatmadaw [Burma Army] comes into conflict…

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