General Saw El Khu from KNU Peace Council Faction takes his own life
Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, the spokesperson for the breakaway Karen group – the Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), has confirmed that General Saw El Khu, the adjutant general of their organization , committed suicide on the morning of April 11 th ..

Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt told KIC, “ He has experienced a considerable weight gain this year and was coping with diabetes and high blood pressure through medication. As a result of these health concerns, and his involvement in recent conflicts in the area, he has been feeling depressed and emotionally strained. He faced immense pressure while negotiating to prevent the escalation of violence, and experienced significant mental strain due to both his health and the regional conflicts.”
Lt. Col. Saw Kyaw Ka Raw, the commander of KNU/KNLA-PC’s 708th Battalion, and tactical commander Col. Saw Lat Kai participated in fighting occurred on April 5th and 6th near the Shwe Kokko New City Project, which is under the control of the Border Guard Forces (BGF).
As a consequence, General Saw El Khu himself expelled them from the organization. Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt added that 60-year-old General Saw El Khu was a highly respected member of the KNU/KNLA-PC and always held the organization’s processes and procedures in high regard.
“When differences arise, it’s common to have varying ideas, opinions, and attitudes. However, I can attest that General Saw El Khu is committed to upholding the goals and principles of his organization. As a leader, he demonstrated strength in collaborating with all parties to avoid armed conflict in his region. It’s imperative for all Karen armed forces to work together to ensure that the people in our community are spared the devastating consequences of war”, he said.