KNU and NMSP clash twice within the same day in Yebyu
Two skirmishes broke out between the Karen National Union (KNU) and the New Mon State Party (NMSP) within the same day near Thè Chaung Phyar Village, Yebyu Township in Tenasserim Region on 11 January, both armed groups confirmed.
The skirmishes resumed between the two armed groups due to an unresolved territorial dispute. The first skirmish broke out between 6 and 7 a.m. and the second skirmish broke out at noon, Pado Saw Win Khine, an official from Tavoy Liaison Office under KNU Brigade 4, said to KIC News.
“Farmland is the root cause of the issue. There are disputes with not only [KNU] Brigade 4 but also Brigade 6 as well. The important thing is for the KNU or the NMSP to solve this fairly. The issue will be solved if the leaders can meet and negotiate,” he explained.
The skirmishes broke out between the troops from Battalion 10 under Brigade 4 of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) in the KNU’s Mergui-Tavoy District and troops from the Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) under the NMSP. Some soldiers from the NMSP were injured while the KNU did not suffer any injuries, according to both armed groups.
“The incidents took place at Thè Chaung. There are both KNU base as well as NMSP. The KNU fired at us. They also fired at us again at noon. Some [NMSP] soldiers have been injured but I don’t know the details,” Nai Hla Win, chief of the NMSP Home Affairs Department, said to KIC News.
The KNU and the NMSP clashed once in October and once in December last year as a result of territorial dispute.