Local People, Monks, Temples, Clinics and District Offices Donate To Help Burma’s Flood Victims
The floods that have devastated Burma and affected as many as one million people have galvanised support from around the world.
The US has donated US$600, 000, China has sent ‘experts’ in disaster relief and the European Commission have contributed US$606,000 in aid to the Burmese people.
Abbott Ba Danda Wa Thay Hta from the Ananda Myitta Clinic in Hpa-an has been busy.
He spent last weekend in Bangkok collecting donations from Burmese migrants workers and Buddhist organisations floods victims in the hard hit Magway Division.
Abbott Ba Danda Wa Thay Hta said that priorities are medicines such as eye drops, antiseptic skin creams, oral rehydration tablets or powders, IV fluid, both normal saline and glucose, paracetamol and antibiotics.
Communities along the Thai Burma border have been collecting aid from local people for distribution to flood victims in Burma.
Small border communities such as the farming community of Pro Phra have erected large plastic billboards calling for donations, in Mae Sot the Chan Thak foundation have created a donation drop-off center at the Chinese Temple.
The Mae Tao Clinic (also known as Dr Cynthia’s) located in the Thai border town of Mae Sot has opened a donation center to help the flood victims in Burma/Myanmar.
A Mae Tao Clinic health worker said it “welcome donations in either cash or in-kind donations.”
The health worker listed told Karen News that dried foods such as “instant noodles and dried snacks and packet drinks, sarongs or longyis, chlorine tablets, Oral Rehydration tablets or powders and rice were priorities.
For people wanting to make a donation visit Mae Tao Clinic Facebook page
— https://www.facebook.com/MaeTaoClinic?fref=ts