Karen State: NLD Senior Members Defect To Join New Karen Party

Two senior members of the Karen State’s National League for Democracy resigned from the party to join the newly formed Karen Party.
According to a Karen state NLD official, Saw Poe Wah, vice chairman of NLD Karen State, and Saw K’lue Htaw, administrative committee member from Hpa-an district resigned and will contest as representatives of the Karen National Party (KNP) in Novemeber’s general election.
On August 17, U Min Chit Tun, secretary of administrative committee of the NLD in Karen State confirmed to Karen News that its senior members had resigned.
“The vice-chairman of the NLD in Karen State and an administrative committee member from Hpa-an district resigned from the party – I don’t want to make any further comment on this.”
Sources from the KNP told Karen News that Saw Poe Wah and Saw K’lue Htaw will contest as KNP members for the State Hluttaw No 1 and No 2 constituencies in Thandaung Gyi Township, Karen State. Karen News understands that both candidates have summited their names to the Union Election Commission.
Regarding the issue, Naw Christine Tun, NLD chairman from Thandaung Gyi Township said, “We welcome our Karen democratic forces contesting in our township”.
Mahn Tain Win Sein, vice chairman of KNP said that all the democratic forces not only need to oppose the dictatorship but also need to understand the ethnic issues. Moreover, most ethnic parties believe that to achieve democracy, federalism is needed.
Mahn Tain Win Sein said that he warmly welcome the new members for joining them after resigning from a major party.
Although some members of state NLD view that resignation of senior members in state level could have caused by the difference views on candidate selection, the individuals who resigned refuse to comment on the reason for their resignation.
According to members of NLD, after releasing the names of the NLD candidates for the coming general elections, there have been some conflicts within NLD and some members were terminated by NLD and others resigned from the party.