
UNFC Wants The KNU To Be Reunited

The United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) wants the Karen National Union (KNU) to be part of its organization. In a speech delivered by Khu Oo Reh, General Secretary of the UNFC on 66th anniversary of Karen Revolution Day in Karen State he underlined the importance of the KNU role in the UNFC.

“It is a time of reforming in Burma. In order to achieve that we invite the KNU, who used to take a leading role, to be reunited with the UNFC as soon as possible,” Khu Oo Reh said.

Khu Oo Reh said in his speech that all the ethnic groups, including the Karen have had the experience of dealing with the debilitating problem of disunity and factions and stressed that it was one of the crucial difficulties facing ethnic people. Khu Oo Reh said that at this point in history, all ethnic organisation, need to plan for a good future for the younger generations.

He also said he recognizes the importance of the KNU’s role and participation in the ethnic alliance.

As many as 1,000 people attended the ceremony, including guests from the Karen National Defence Organization (KNDO), Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), the KNU/KNLA peace council and the UNFC.

Dr. Laja, a central executive committee member of the UNFC spoke to Karen News.

“I came here as an UNFC’s representative because we respect the KNU. We would like to urge all ethnic groups, including the KNU to struggle together for the freedom of all ethnic people who are being oppressed.

General Nerdah Mya, head of the Karen National Defence Organisation said.

“The role of the ethnic alliance is significant in terms of forming a federal state. We cannot leave out each other because we have collaborated since the ethnic peoples’ resistance started.”

The UNFC’s statement also mentioned that the UNFC and Karen will fight to stop a dictatorship system in Burma that it said is the last barrier stopping them from reaching equality and resistance goal.

The KNU decided to suspend its membership from the UNFC during its conference held in August 2014 and the UNFC said it wanted the KNU to be reunited with them as soon as possible.

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