KNU Leader – If the Burma Government Wants Peace with Ethnic People It Must First Put Down its War Weapons

To achieve peace in Burma, Padoh Saw Thamaing Tun, a KNU Central Committee member, said the government needs to prioritize the country’s ethnic nationalities aspirations without resorting to armed conflict.
Padoh Saw Thamaing Tun was speaking at an International Peace Day event on September 21 in Thandaung Myothit, Northern Karen State. Padoh Saw Thamaing Tun told the gathering it was necessary for the government to develop a policy that would build trust and resolve peacefully the present conflict driven situation.
“Only then, will the ethnic nationalities find an answer as to what they should do for the Union. Only then, can there be mutual trust. The obstacles taking place now point to the fact that there is still a need for building trust,” he said.
Thandaung based Karen Civil Society Organizations, Hsa Mu Htaw and Hsa Tu Gaw, organized the ceremony in Thandaung for the first time, told Karen News that relevant government departments’ officials were invited to the ceremony, but some were told by their superiors not to join the event.
Padoh Saw Thamaing Tun said recent legal action against organizers of ceremonies honoring Karen national Martyrs’ Day, damaged trust.
Padoh Saw Thamin Tun said “Trust building cannot be done by one-side only. It is necessary for both sides to reach an understanding. I don’t know why there are limitations and hindrances. If it is the case, trust cannot be built – I’m saying this as it is important.”
The International Peace Day ceremony in Thaungdaung Town was attended by KNU Joint General Secretary (2), Padoh Saw Hla Tun, KNU Central Committee member Padoh Saw Thamaing Tun, KNU Toungoo District Chairman Padoh Saw Eh Wah, a parliament member, state government department representatives, Karen youth representatives from Hpa-an and Paing Kyong Townships and members of local communities – a total of more then 300 persons.
The ceremony was titled, People Participate for Achieving Peace, an address letter sent by the the KNU was read out to attendees, the current peace process and peace programs were explained, and the Karen vocalist, Nan Chit Nadi Zaw sang at the ceremony.