Karen State Medical Authorities Confirm One Dead but Treatment Continues of AH1N1 Cases at Hpa-an Hospital
The State Chief physician confirmed at a press conference held on August 15 that one AH1N1 flu positive patient had died at Hpa-an Hospital.
Doctor Kyaw Myint, chief physician of the Karen State Public Hospital stated during the press conference that there were two AH1N1 positive patients and twelve AH1N1 suspected patients in Karen State as of August 15.
“In the whole of Karen state, there are a total of 12 patients: eleven here in the Hpa-an public hospital and one in Myawaddy.”
Doctor Kyaw Myint speaking to Karen News said.
“Right now, there are two AH1N1 positive patients in our hospital. One of them is the deceased Ma Yoon Pa Pa Hlaing and another one is a monk.”
Ma Yoon Pa Pa Hlaing who was diagnosed with AH1N1 who had been confirmed positive by the National Laboratory died at 11:30 am on August 11 in Hpa-an Hospital. Another AH1N1 positive patient, 18-year old Shin PyinNyar Wan Tha, is recovering, according to the chief doctor.
The laboratory results of the family members of the deceased and AH1N1 suspected patients are being tested at the national laboratory. They are currently being given health care at the state public hospital.
It was reported on the international HealthMap website on the 17 August, that in the period between July 21 and August 15, 2017 the virus had infected 242 people in Burma and killed 25.
The HealthMap (http://www.healthmap.org/en/#!d=224) site is put together by a “team of researchers, epidemiologists and software developers at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Burma’s health officials said that training to raise awareness of disease prevention and treatment is being provided in each state and emergency medications for the disease are also being prepared in seven townships of Karen State.
AH1N1 is a contagious disease that infects the respiratory system. The Department of Health and Sport urges people with symptoms – runny nose, sneezes, dry cough, sore throat, headache, body aches and a body temperature of 38’c and above – to go to the nearest heath department, hospital, or clinic and get treatment as soon as possible.
Doctor Daw Win Win Myint, the general doctor at Hpa-an hospital said, “The public is really concerned. This disease also relates to the immune system. It is important [to stay alert] especially for people with chronic illness. Adequate rest is needed. People need to have fresh and nutritious food. Also, they need to follow instructions of the heath awareness given [by medical authorities] regarding the disease.”
Health Ministry officials advised that the elderly, young children, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases and with low immune systems are more suceptible to the influenza and should take extra care.
Detailed instruction on how to identify and treat the deadly flu has been given to private hospitals and clinics since July 25 and to submit reports twice a day to the State health department. So far, there has been no AH1N1 suspected patients at those private hospitals and clinics, according to health officials.