State Chief Minister Claims Govt Will Spend 80million kyat To Improve Drinking Water in Thandaung Gyi Township
During a conference for tourism representatives, the Karen State Chief Minister said the state government would spend 80million kyat to solve the insufficient drinking water problems facing Thandaung Gyi Township in Karen State.
Thandaung Gyi Township representative, Saw Taw Palae, said the Chief Minister of the state responded to do a request made by local representatives of Thandaung Tourism Development group and tourism representatives to solve the chronic shortage of drinking water.
“There is insufficient water supply in the Thandaung Gyi. It is not even adequate for local people let alone hotels. When the people proposed for more water, the Chief Minister said the state government will divert 80 million kyat towards this use,” Saw Taw Palae told Karen News.
The State Minister, U Zaw Min spoke to Karen News.
“It is the responsibility of the state municipal to provide adequate water supply for the people. However, if the tax received by the municipal department is insufficient, the state government will have to take out a loan. They can only carry out the work when the leaders of the townships work together to implement it. The important thing is to provide sufficient amount of water to the people. It is also our responsibility to provide electricity to the local people and we will do our best to make this happen.”
Thandaung Gyi Township is located on a mountain, surrounding by rocky hills where local residents rely on water pumps and long pipelines to collect water. Local people say the water collected from valleys and wells is insufficient to supply locals with water.
Section 2 resident, Saw Tapin Shwe Htee told Karen News that the state municipal department tried to get water from the dam, but the water pump was not functioning properly.
“When they changed the pump to a new one, the electricity voltage was not sufficient to operate the pump so the municipal department has not been able to collect water from the dam. It is good to hear that the state government will supply water for the locals. It is more difficult for the people living in Section One of Than Daung Gyi Township, whose location is even more inaccessible.”
Thandaung Gyi Township, is located in Northern Karen State and has been regarded as a good location for tourism as it is 4,000 feet above sea level and easily accessible from Nay Pyi Taw and Rangoon.