FBR confirm Burma military attack Kachin with chemicals

The humanitarian group, Free Burma Rangers, released a statement from Kachin State that claims the Burma military is using jet fighters and helicopters to attack the Kachin Independent Army (KIA) with chemical munitions.
“The Burma military uses two fighter jets – shooting machine guns, dropping bombs and using chemical munitions (possibly HC CS – or some form of tear gas/riot agent.”
The FBR report said the organization could not confirm the chemicals used.
“We are not sure what it is, but we have found the containers. These attacks are in the La Ja Yang area; Bum Re and north west at Nam San Yang.”
FBR confirmed that on three separate days the Burma military bombed the KIA positions.
“On1 January, at 10:10am, a Mi24 Attack Helicopter shot rockets, machine guns and dropped bombs in the Pang Wa area. Pang Wa is north of Laiza in the KIA 1st Brigade and 5th Brigade area close to the China border.”
FBR report said that at “1:40pm two helicopters shot rockets, machine guns and dropped bombs on the Kachin positions. At 5pm, two fighter jets shot machine guns and dropped bombs eight times.”
FBR documented the attacks on 2 January in the La Ja Yang-Laiza-Nam Sang Yang areas.
“Two Burma fighter jets shot machine guns and dropped bombs three times. On the same day three Mi 24 Attack Helicopters shot rockets and dropped bombs and shot machine guns four times.”
FBR claimed that the Burma Army was active on the same day and targeted villages.
“The Burma army shelled civilian homes with 120mm mortars and 105 howitzers. A total of three helicopters and two jets planes rocketed and machine-gunned KIA positions in La Ja Yang and Nam Sang Yang -13 km North West of Laiza.”
FBR said the Burma Army as of 3rd January was still attacking the Kachin.