
KNU and NLD’s Suu Kyi share common ground on national peace building

The Karen National Union peace talk delegation met with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for two hours at her home in Rangoon today. The KNU discussed with the national league for democracy leader and recently elected Member of Parliament their ongoing peace talks with government and their efforts to build a lasting peace in Burma.

KNU general secretary Naw Zipporah Sein told Karen News.

“We shared and discussed about how to build a national peace in the countr, how can we can cooperate together to a build a genuine peace and a peace that is equal for all.”

Naw Zipporah Sein said discussions were about getting all citizens of Burma involved in politics.

“We agreed that national peace building has to be related to allowing all citizens and all ethnic people to participate and for the the government to be responsible.”

Naw Zipporah and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi held a joint press conference after their meeting in front of Suu Kyi’s house. Mrs Suu Kyi speaking to the large gathering of journalists said.

“It is a pleasure and special to meet the KNU delegation. The NLD’s aim is to establish a genuine democratic federal union and to make this happen, we believe that it requires the united inclusiveness off all ethnic groups. If we can continue to meet like this we can exchange our views, we can know more from each other, it can be supportive for the national reconciliation.”

Aung San Suu Kyi was positive about the meeting with the KNU and said.

“If we could meet often and many more times, I strongly believe we could establish a genuine democratic federal union. I see that we share common views and it is a positive for our unity.”

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi concluded by saying.

“When the NLD was running for the election we explained a national peace building process needed three things – a ‘rule of law’, ‘a national peace’ and an ‘amendment of the constitution’, all these are related to national reconciliation. Using these three main topics we will work for national reconciliation.”

The KNU peace talk delegations led by general secretary Naw Zipporah Sein, included Saw Mu Tu Say Poe, Saw Ah Toe, Saw Kwe Htoo Win, Saw Ronger Khin, Naw May Oo Mutraw, Saw Thaw Thi Bwe, Naw Blooming Night Zan, Saw Hla Tun, Naw Htoo Paw are KNU member who met with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi after the KNU federal peace talks with the Burma Government delegation in Rangoon.

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