KNU and Government discuss ceasefire today
Following a lightening trip through Karen State the Karen National Union peace talk delegation will sit down today with Burma government representatives to thrash out the details for the ceasefire arrangements between the two sides.
Before reaching Yangon the KNU delegation held a historic meeting with the Karen Peace Committee, community leaders and as many as 1,000 people at the Thu May Dah Ramah Temple in Hpa-an.
As many as a 1,000 Karen people from seven townships in Karen State, Mon State, Yangon, Irrawaddy and Tannisari Divisions turned up to meet with the KNU.
Naw Zipporah Sein, general secretary of the KNU explained to the large crowd the objectives of the KNU peace process and requested all Karen people to participate with the KNU for peace.
The KNU also took the opportunity to visit a Hpa-an Baptist Christian church.
A Karen woman, Nan Myint Aye, told Karen News.
“We are happy for the peace talk to be happening, most women and children face many problems when there’s conflict. So we need peace.”
Monk Pyinnyar Tarmi said “the Karen people needed their equal rights, ethnic rights and a good situation in Burma so they can be involved in politics. Political participation is not only for one family. We should show bravery in solving our Karen revolutions problems.
The KNU arrived at 4pm in Yangon and will stay at the Sedona Hotel.
The Burma government delegation led by Railway’s Minister U Aung Min held a dinner for the KNU at the Sedona Hotel.
Before dinner, the government’s U Aung Min and the KNU’s Naw Zipporah Sein explained their positions on the ‘peace talks’ process and urged all people to work together for peace.
A large contingent of journalists, Karen leaders, other ethnic parties’ leaders, foreign guests and government minister attended the dinner.
U Aung Min told the gathering that Karen people inside Burma had promised to help the KNU peace process.
The Karen People Party (KPP) joint chairman Saw Say Wah Nyunt told Karen News that he offered his support and he would like to help the KNU peace process as much as he can.