KNPP and government agree to further peace talks

The Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) agreed with the Burma government to open a liaison office for on-going peace talks after recently signing a state level ceasefire agreement.
U Aung San Myint, the KNPP secretary 2, told Karen News.
“We signed an agreement with the government for a ceasefire and to open a liaison office.”
Ku Oo Rei, the KNPP secretary 1, led a delegation of 11 to meet with 16 representatives of the Burma government led by Railways Minister Aung Min at Kantarawaddy Hall, Loikaw, Kayah State on March 7th.
KNPP’s U Aung San Myint, explained to Karen News that the KNPP agreed to a ceasefire, to open unarmed liaison offices at designated areas so both sides could keep communication during the during the initial stages of the ceasefire and to for further peace-talk to be held.
Khu Denia, a Central Executive Member of KNPP, told Karen News that KNPP demanded a number of key points and that the government representative agreed in principle to them. The key points included – the Burma government to stop military operations in ethnic areas, the Burma Army not to expand their army camps and to stop military training and exercises in ethnic areas.
Khu Denia said the KNNP also asked for the government delegation to announce a country-wide ceasefire.
Included in the KNPP 20 keys points was a request for all mega-development projects to be re-evaluated and stopped until the current political problems have been solved through a genuine political dialogue that includes the concerns of all ethnic and associated stakeholders.
“They [government delegation] told us that they cannot make an official agreement on our demanded 20 key points. But they will take the KNPP key points to discuss with the president and will get back to [KNPP] us.”
U Aung San Myint, the KNPP secretary 2 told Karen News that the KNPP were not totally satisfied with the outcome of the ceasefire meeting as the government could not agree to their 20 key points, but both sides did agree to continue peace negotiations.
“We proposed 20 key points that would help to build peace. But we feel unsatisfied for not having a confirmed agreement with the government on any of the points. On the other hand, we are delighted we have permission to bring to this and future meetings, international third party observers.”