The 2015 Padoh Mahn Sha Young Leader Award Calls For Nominations
The Phan Foundation has officially announced its acceptance of nominees for the 8th annual Padoh Mahn Sha Young Leader Award – the closing date is on January 31, 2016.
The Padoh Mahn Sha Young Leader Award is given annually to Karen community workers who work in health, education, social or cultural areas. According to the Foundation’s criteria, nominees should be Karen aged 35 or under. Any individual or organization can nominate including its own members.
The award was set-up by the children of Padoh Mahn Sha Lar Phan, a former General Secretary of the Karen National Union, who was assassinated in February 2008.
Saw Say Say Phan, Director of the Phan Foundation and eldest son of Padoh Mahn Sha said in a media statement issued on 9 December 2015.
“Our father, Padoh Mahn Sha Lah Phan, as a a student activist got involved in community work. He had a dream to see peace and freedom for his people. Through this award, we hope that our father’s dream will live on.”
The award winners will be honored with certificates of recognition for their work and a grant of USD $2,000.
Previous winners of the award were Naw Paw K’Bla Htoo from Kler Lwee Htu District in 2008, Saw Nyunt Win from Mutraw District in Karen State in 2009, Naw December Paw from Tenasserim Division in 2010, Saw Htoo Htoo Eh, from the Free Burma Rangers in 2011, Nant Thandar Aung from Karen Women Empowerment Group in 2012, Naw K’Nyaw Paw from the Karen Women’s Organisation in 2013 and the latest Naw Hsa Moo from the Karen Student Network Groups who is now working for the Karen Environment and Social Action Network.
Slone Phan, the youngest son of Padoh Mahn Sha said in the media statement that their father would be pleased to see younger leaders dedicating themselves for the people.
“Our father would be proud to see these remarkable young leaders who work so hard for the development of our people, the same way he did when he was alive.”
The winner of the award will be announced in early 2016.
The Phan Foundation was formed in February 14, 2008 by the four children of Mahn Sha Lah Phan; Saw Say Say Phan, Nant Bwa Bwa Phan, Nant Zoya Phan and Slone Phan in memory of their mother, Nant Kyin Shwe and father, Mahn Sha Lah Phan.