Activist claim Burma authorities spy on her

A Karen woman activist claims that the authorities in Burma are watching her every step despite recent efforts for democratic reform and building peace with ethnic groups.
Naw Ohn Hla, a former political prisoner and a former member of the National League for Democracy – a major opposition political party led by Aung San Suu Kyi, spoke to Karen News about how she has been watched by the authority.
Naw Ohn Hla claims that she was followed by police, after she took part in and led the ‘lighting of candles protest’ to draw attention to the lack of 24 hour electricity grid in Burma.
Naw Ohn Hla told Karen News.
“At least two or three police followed me wherever I went. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Naw Ohn Hla said she tries to do what she can for the people and the government also needs to do more for the people.
“I am not from any political party. I am not a candidate. I work for the people. The government’s responsibility is to work for the people. It is not democratic reform if they spy on me”.
Naw Ohn Hla said that the communication department cut a phone line, she uses in San Chaung Township of Rangoon, to contact media and civil society groups.
Naw Ohn Hla said.
“They asked the people from the phone shop who was calling me and what they talked to me about, the shop owner told them nothing and answered that they earned money by letting me use the phone. I assumed the authorities were angry and shut down the phone line.”
Naw Ohn Hla is not affiliated with any of the mainstream political parties but has been working together with other activists who share common beliefs.