Mon armed group sign ceasefire
The New Mon State Party has signed a preliminary ceasefire agreement with the Burma government delegation yesterday.
The NMSP seven member delegation was led by its Vice-Chairman, Nai Rot Sa, and met with representatives of the Burma government, led by Railways Minister Aung Min, at the Strand Hotel in Moulmein, Mon State where the ceasefire agreement paper was signed.
After the meeting Nai Rot Sa spoke to reporters about the agreement.
“We signed on an agreement to our five key points – after a lot of discussion. Now it is more complete and strong for our peace by signing agreement.”
According to a NMSP source, after the ceasefire discussions, both sides agreed on five-points – 1) to have a ceasefire, 2) to set the date and location to hold political talks at the Union [national] government level, 3) to open a liaison office at a designated place without weapons, 4) no weapons to be carried in agreed to restricted areas, and 5) mark out clear boundary lines of controlled territory.
The NMSP media conference was short and did not give detail to their five points that they took to the discussions with the government. According to a NMSP source, the NMSP now plans to discuss the signed agreement at their executive committee and will confirmed the agreement by the third week of February.
The NMSP also held preliminary ‘peace talks’ with the government back in December 2011 in Sangkhlaburi, Thailand.
The NMSP had signed a ceasefire with the Burma military regime in 1995 that was broken after the Burma Army exerted pressure on the NMSP to surrender its arms in September 2010.