FBR: Despite ‘peacetalks’ armed conflict, forced labour continue in Karen State

A humanitarian organisation that delivers aid to displaced communities in rural Burma reports that despite peace-talks between the Karen National Union and the Burma government armed clashes, forced labour and other abuses are still ongoing in Karen State. The organisation, the Free Burma Rangers has documented abuses by the government’s army and its militia allies in five districts in Karen State.
FBR reported that in the Mu Traw District, fighting between the Karen National Liberation Army, the Burma Army and it’s militia, the Border Guard Force continues. The Burma Army and the BGF are ordering villagers to work for them as forced labor. InToungoo District and the Mergui/Tavoy District (Tenasserim Division) the Burma Army has ordered villagers to carry – food, supplies and ammunition for their soldiers.
FBR claim that in Toungoo District, villagers have been imprisoned and tortured. FBR reports that in the Kler Lwee Htoo (Nyaunglebin) District that the “Governor of Shwe Gyin uses forced labor in Ma Dauk Village. Free Burma Rangers noted that in the Doo Tha Htoo (Thaton) District, “military activity has continued with no decrease in military presence.”
The Free Burma Rangers delivers medical, spiritual and educational resources for IDP communities as they struggle to survive Burmese military attacks.