Burma Army Deliberately Shells Village, Killing Seven Karen Civilians – Including Children and a Pregnant Woman
Burma Army shelling of Karen villages continues to kill and wound unarmed civilians, including women and children.

In the latest bombardments, seven villagers were killed and four other injured when the Burmese military fired heavy artillery at Klaw Day Village, Mae Klaw village tract, Bu Tho Township in Mu Traw District, in Northern Karen Stat on 5th March 2022.
A statement released by the Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN), said among the dead were three young girls, aged 2, 5 and 14, two women and two men. One of the women killed by the shelling was pregnant. Four other people, including a three-year-old boy were wounded by the shelling.
Naw Wah Ku Shee, a KPSN spokesperson told Karen News Burma Army troops based in Hpapun Town were responsible for the attack that deliberately targeted villagers.
“When villagers were back in their homes, the Burma Army soldiers based in Hpa-pun fired artillery shells and killed seven villagers. Four others were severely injured, including a three year old child.”
The KPSN said the targeted attack and killing of civilians was a war crime.
“The Burmese military knew the location of the village and that it was a civilian village. They deliberately targeted the village. This is a war crime and a crime against humanity. The Burmese military have been using long range heavy artillery to attack civilians in Mu Traw [Hpapun].”
Naw Wah Ku Shee said the Burma Army attack on civilians was not the first, but was one of many in Mutraw District and in other areas of Karen State. Naw Wah Ku Shee said the international community needs to take urgent action on these crimes committed by the Burma Army and impose further economic sanctions on the military regime.
The Klaw Day villagers killed were identified as Naw Ta Lu (2 years-old), Naw Htoo Paw (5 year-old), Naw Tin Ne La Win (14 year-old), Saw Day Poe 19, Saw Kay (40 year-old), Naw Paw Wah (32 year-old) and Naw Eh Moo (22 year-old). Those injured include; Saw Nyut Htoo(28 year-old), Naw Kri Hser (28 year-old), Naw S’baw (17 year-old) and Saw Kyaw Bi (3 year-old).
The KPSN said the Burmese military kills Karen people using weapons bought internationally and which are paid for in part by international companies doing business with the military.
The KPSN statement called for increased pressure on those countries involved in supplying arms and equipment to the Burmese military, including Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Belarus, India and Singapore. It is also called for faster, targeted economic sanctions to be imposed that cuts revenue to the military and called for sanctions to stop the supply of aviation fuel to Burma’s military jets and helicopters bombing villages and causing displacement in Karen State, creating the current humanitarian crisis.